JR Metal Works is proud to offer 3D digital modeling, reverse engineering, and design aid services to reduce lead times and improve the accuracy of finished products.
JR Metal Works’ command of 3D digital modeling is twofold. Its team can modify and enhance an existing design, or it can take blueprints, sketches and even ideas from an organization and turn them into computer-generated designs.
At the beginning of any new job, the JR Metal Works team takes time to understand what methods and technologies best suit the project so the manufacturing can be completed with maximum efficiency. That vital first step of the fabrication process lays the foundation for a successful project that meets the budget and timeline.

JR Metal Works’ 3D CAD Modeling Software
JR Metal Works utilizes the latest SOLIDWORKS design software, including:
- Sheet Metal Layout Software
- Capacity/stress loading analysis
- And much more!
Design for Manufacturability
JR Metal Works implements the old adage ‘measure twice, cut once’ in the high-tech industry in which it operates. 3D digital modeling lets the company identify the most efficient way to make a component while occasionally providing insight that yields a breakthrough in design. Skilled use of these processes prevents costly miscalculations, shortens lead times and gets a customer’s component fabricated in the most economical way possible.
JR Metal Works knows a project managed with skill and precision is best positioned for success. Contact JR Metal Works today to reach a team eager to put its craftsmanship and technology to work for you.